I always take a camera with me and photograph anything that grabs my attention. I can guarantee that every twenty photos I take, one might be used in one of my pictures, however insignificant. Here is a good example; a gate padlocked to the entrance of a piece of overgrown wasteland. I liked the flaked painted gate, with another rusted ‘sunrise’ configured gate behind. I cut away the spaces between and considered what to put behind. The sky became the working result, but was a bit boring. Then I came up with the semi- transparent bubble which I created from scratch. I duplicated the original and sized the copies. This is something that came out of nowhere, and I was exhilarated by the result because of the journey I experienced, and the sense of achievement achieved ,….the title followed….reminding me of a time my sister-in-law and I travelled a few miles to have lunch at a certain restaurant, only to be confronted with a barrier and a sign reading “We are closed today”, without it being apparent which day.