

This picture became a bit of a long process, to come to its final conclusion. The ‘sky’ was a lime green wall, falling into disrepair, at a car wash station on the Sprowston Road. The water tower (?) is in the Lion Wood Local Nature Reserve, just off Telegraph lane. The other two structures are part of Earlham Crematorium. There is a tall oblong tower that sits between the apex and the chimney, that I eventually removed. I came across the ceremonial complex and was struck by the different shapes, in the bright sunshine. The spheres and cubes were introduced later. I was thinking of Cezannes quote about nature comprising of a cylinder, sphere and cone when I started this image. A lot of adding and subtracting, and then cutting through the objects was employed before I settled for the end result. Truly, a potboiler!

Size: See Contact page for details of size.