Empty Dreams

Empty Dreams

This photo was taken in the bedroom of a house I rented on Heigham Street. The bed was in a lighthouse in Kingston, Western Australia. It was being displayed in the Cape Jaffa Lighthouse on Marine Parade. Now a museum, it was decommissioned and brought offshore to stand on the beach road. l liked the nightgown spread on the patchwork quilt. I have of course, stretched the bed flat against the wall. I can’t remember where the angel came from. Written on the rails of the door (the cross panels)is the short poem; You Can Like Me, But Not Love Me, Because My, Dreams Are  Empty. That was about a woman I knew whose granddaughter said how her dreams were empty. The woman and I were just friends, it never went any further……The words might not be too discernible because the picture is only a thumbnail representation. This is an old picture (2013) that I have slightly edited.

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