Collision Course

Collision Course

The sitter (literally) in this picture shall remain anonymous at his insistence. I was in his flat having a drink, quite rudely reached for my camera. He instinctively raised his hands (and can) to obscure his face. I thought it resulted in a very interesting and well lit portrait. I said I MIGHT use it – so I have. Walking back to my flat along Heigham St., I was intrigued by the road junction with Orchard St. There was that black tyre mark, as if someone had braked into the turn, which accentuated the curve of the road and pavement. I put the cutout portrait against this image,…and it worked! I cut off the right hand armrest to expose more of the background. I also tilted the portrait to complete the composition. I finally applied a filter to give the picture some drama. I have included this image in the Graphic category simply because of the painted 20mph road sign and the other road markings.

Size: See Contact page for details of size.