While I was creating this picture, the phrase ‘Basso Profondo’ kept cropping up in my mind. The phrase, as a title, was inappropriate for the image, but I preferred ‘Basso Ensemble’ . The double bass was in the shop window of Cooke’s Pianos on St. Benedict’s St. (no longer there). I took a couple of photos, but settled on a side view, to avoid the shadow and reflection I was casting. Later at home, I noticed the sun streaming across the coffee table and remembered a speculative shot I took of the wine glass the year previously. With those two images together, I was looking to fill the top part of the frame. I thought some clouds….but found the clock tower. It is in Eaton Park, by the model boating lake. Yes the dial is back to front! I had to reverse the image, to accommodate the light direction.
Basso Ensemble
Basso Ensemble
Size: See Contact page for details of size.