Aluminium Beautiful

Aluminium Beautiful

I noticed the two principal items on the same page (amongst other images), on my computer screen, so I combined them. Obviously the tail fin of the English Electric Lightning fighter jet isn’t bigger than the grain silo. After isolating both images from their inherent backgrounds, I looked for something to combine them. I came the close-up of a fuselage body of an aeroplane from the same Aviation Museum as the Lighting. This provided a sympathetic background. I invented a couple of extra riveted cover panels to enhance the composition. I tilted the tail fin to create some dynamism. The title was a flippant afterthought. Do you think my description is a bit pretentious? After reading what I have written….hmmm I think so. Nice picture though. I was happy with it, otherwise I wouldn’t be displaying it. Nice.

Size: See Contact page for details of size.