All Points Of The Compass

There is a third river crossing bridge being constructed from Southtown Rd./Cromwell Rd. to the Fishwarf on the Yarmouth side of the river. These cranes were being used in the operation. I have of course, isolated them from the original sky in the photo. The stairwell is on the side of the Coastguard building, on the South Pier at the entrance to the harbour. If you look down from the Jetty Cliff in Cromer, to the Promenade in front of the pier, there is a compass motiv decorating the paving stones, with the curved steps (see ‘Tied-Up Sweep’), which is the backdrop. I created the ‘glass ball’ in the computer from scratch to complete the composition. The suspension bridge is now complete and operational, 2024.
Size: See Contact page for details of size.