Electric bulb and organic flower bulbs……get it?…hmm. I was struck with beauty of the clear glass light bulb whilst changing one. The trick was to ‘light it up’ in the computer which took some experimenting. The landscape is in Norfolk where tipper trucks had been off-loading tons of sugar beet, you can see the tyre marks. I was standing on a hill of them in the pouring rain to get the shot. The different idea, is the silvered spot bulb, held by Sue in the back garden. You can see the reflection of me and the blue shed door. The light bulbs come on, when they float up from the field. I learned a lot when I was creating this picture. It was a case of striving to achieve an objective and muddling through. No easy compromise was contemplated, but it was gratifying, and I had an education in photoshop which I didn’t get towards the end of my degree.