Untitled No.61

Untitled No.61

This picture started with a shot of the Roller Coaster structure from the beach in Yarmouth. This is one of many I took. It belongs to Pleasure-Beach Co. who have an amusement park on South Beach Parade. The exterior cladding was obviously being prepared for refurbishment and repainting. I then introduced the Elevating Platform Ladder of a fire engine, that was being tested by the Norwich Fire Department, over the River Wensum. I ‘ejected’ the fireman who was in the basket because….well, because I could. I was looking for something to ‘marry up’ with the image, and after a long search came across the storage tanks – (liquid gas?). They were being dismantled on Malthouse Lane in Gorleston (Yarmouth); I had used another photo in a picture titled ‘Going Up, Coming Down’. Finally I duplicated the ladder twice and arranged them to balance the composition.

Size: See Contact page for details of size.